TLC Meeting Minutes 5/16/19

  • Jeff wanted the team to have a say in this. Discussion of how many months’ expenses we need in savings before Jeff can take additional dividends. Minimum of 3 decided. Dan and Jeff will meet to discuss budget and come back to TLC with numbers.
  • Voted to invite Terri intermittently as an advisor (non-voting) to the TLC. Unanimously approved.
  • Discussion of how we can make the team feel heard and represented by TLC. Need to make agenda available to team.
    • Might create a blog-format website so that agenda topics are at top of page with ability to submit and modify items and see a list of meeting minutes below.
      • One way or another, must have agenda in advance for TLC members and team members.
      • Jeff to find voting plug-in so topics can be upvoted.
    • Topics submitted by team members must be discussed at the next TLC meeting, time permitting.
    • TLC members will make contact twice per month with their constituents.
  • Market Snapshot is becoming obsolete…will utilize Homebot instead. Unanimous.
    • Will have a team account. Members can also load their own sphere in…must be in TP to be in Homebot.
  • If/when zip codes come back up for renewal and the cost increases, should we continue to spend the money and adjust splits down to maintain profitability, or do we adjust spend down (fewer leads) but keep splits where they are? TLC members had discussion to ensure they understand but felt that this topic needs to go to the team for more discussion.
    • Quite likely that Zillow and will move to a referral-based system in the near future. If so, this may become moot.
  • Annual loyalty tam dollar cap discussed. No decisions made, but will be up for further discussion.
    • Would need to be attainable but also conversion-based.
  • Discussion of terminating or hiding surveys between agents and TCs.
    • TC survey results will be removed from the WIG.  
    • Jeff will be sharing positive survey results/feedback in monthly vision meeting.